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Contact Management :

German Tintaya

8 rue Raoul Ponchon

35000 Rennes


Tél. 33 2 99 27 86 71

Por. 33 6 15 33 75 42

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« Inti's dream »

This is about a little herder boy's adventure which takes place in the high andean plateaux with his grand-father; We are plunged into a musical trip thanks to the accoustic effects of the very instruments from the Andes... A genuine sound discovering for children!

Sound and image recording: Marie-Liesse Debroise
production and Sound montage: German Tintaya
Pictures: Maison de Quartier Villejean
Musicians: Cristian, Nestor and German Tintaya.

photo cristian german et nestor tintaya

Cristian, German et Nestor Tintaya

photo german nestor et cristian tintaya

photo llapaku

photo llapaku trio


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  Trio Sol Andino

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